Monday, June 11, 2012

What's That Smell?

Molly Stephens

Advertising Assistant

What's that you smell?  And no, it isn't coming from coffee shop down the street, it's right next to you on the billboard. 

It looks like 'scent' advertising is the new way brands are stimulating their potential customers' sense of smell. Dogs too.

For years, marketers and advertisers have relied on vibrant and cooling color schemes and sensory words to entice their audience.  Now they are unleashing the power of "scratch & sniff", a technique that used to only belong in catalog magazines, showing off the newest perfumes and colognes.

I can picture MORA ice cream or Oliver's Pet Care wanting to try out this technique. (Can you smell ice cream?)

Are there any brands that you wish were using this technique unique marketing strategy to build their customer base?

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