Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Boy. His Cereal Box. QR codes, Marketing, Advertising, Creative Strategies and More.

By Cynti Oshin
Director Client Services/Business Development

Close your eyes and picture this.  A teenage boy shuffles into the kitchen with bedhead and a mission.  Eat cereal while reading the box.  The same box he has been reading since he opened it 2 weeks ago.  With the exact same thing on it - not a single piece of copy, image or offer has changed since the day before.  Yep, the same box.  He places his bowl, spoon, cereal box and milk on the table.  He grumbles something to his mother, rubs his eyes, and plops himself down into his chair. The chair legs create that loud scraping noise as he drags himself up to the table.  He pours his cereal, then milk and plops the cereal box down with only the cereal bowl between them.  The boy leans down within 3 inches of his bowl, almost in a sideways v-shape on the chair, assuming the ideal position to mindlessly shovel cereal into his mouth while reading the cereal box, again.  For the 12th time.

Now imagine the exact same scene, with one difference.  He has his spoon in one hand and his smart phone in the other.  Mindlessly shovels cereal into his mouth while scanning the QR code which has miraculously taken him to....wait for content!  And voila, a whole new universe has opened up.  Could be a microsite, could be a daily offer, could be a tie in with a concert promoter, action sportswear company or whatever.  Point is, could be anything and could change on a daily basis if you wanted it to.

So now picture his dad is at the other end of the table.  Same position, same drill, spooning cereal while reading the box with relevant content for his demo.  Crazy?  Nope.  And it's possible now.  Brilliant, I say.  Just brilliant.


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