Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our Dog has a Name!

Rick Stanton, President/Creative Director

Well folks, we have a winner in our name the dog contest.
It comes from my good friend and creative collaborator, Jerry Kopec.
The name is “Logo”

Jerry and I have talked more than once, over a couple bottles of red, about the importance of brand icons and how people respond and retain visual references more than the written word. When you see the concentric red circles you kind of know a Target ad is about to happen. So from this point forward, the importance of “Logo” will always be a part of our brand. We are sending a check in Jerry’s name, and of course, Logo’s to the Humane Society for the cost of one dog adoption. Thanks to everyone for your interest and contributions.

*Check back later today for a list of all names entered in our contest.

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