Thursday, February 4, 2010

No more Clydesdales for Bud-- Update!

Jon Njos / Media Director

Update: An addendum to this article has now lead A-B to launch a social media campaign for people to vote on which commercials they would prefer to run during the Super Bowl. One of them is a spot featuring the Clydesdales. (Funny, it was already in the can!) Don't cha love marketing?
Go here to vote:

Well, the list is in, with Anheuser-Busch leading the way with a total purchase of 5 minutes of air time. That’s probably putting their media expenditure between $15 million to $18 million depending upon discounts applied. And, it sounds like the bastion of icons, the Clydesdale wagon team, will not be featured.

We will also see a high percentage of auto manufacturer ads come blazing back onto the scene, which seems to be what many local markets are starting to experience. We have seen in this market that the more aggressive national auto brands have been, the better it has been for local dealerships of those brands.

But everyone is anticipating the ad from Focus on the Family, featuring Flordia Gator Quarterback Tim Tebow. Tebow, a strong Christian, is rumored to make a statement against abortion in some manner, but nobody seems to know exactly what the ad will say. CBS must know because we haven’t heard any rumblings about refusing to air the ad. Keep your ears peeled for further developments. Get the full story from an Ad Age article at the following link.

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