Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Now this, was a fun day.

Rick Stanton, Creative Director / Managing Partner, Stanton & Everybody

As I stated in a previous one of these Blog thingies, radio is far and away my favorite creative challenge.
And as I’ve stated about a million times, much to the chagrin of my co-workers, it’s the only place a writer can’t hide behind an art director.
And every once in a while, when you know you’ve nailed it, you are reminded of a couple of things that have to happen to achieve that level of good storytelling.
It’s virtually impossible for someone unfamiliar with the process to read the script I wrote for this and hear it like those of us who do such things hear it. You can do all the voices in a presentation meeting and talk about music, sound effects and pauses until you’re blue in the face.
Most of the time you will be quietly thought of as somewhat unstable.
But many times they will also quietly think, “He’s in the creative department and we count on that instability.”
Great clients trust you and let you go with it, getting the work they deserve.
And then there’s the talent issue.
I was fortunate to learn a long time ago from my dear friend Pat Fraley, one of the greatest character voices in the country, is that it’s critical to invest in talent that can not only take direction but who can provide some as well.
That was very much the case with David Scully and Kit Harris who are the stars of this spot.
I had an idea of what I was trying to achieve going into the studio. But once we had a safe take, I turned them loose. In fifteen minutes I had a dozen mind boggling great takes with four different characters from both actors. What a lot of fun.
This was one of those times when even I had no idea how the words on the page were going to come to life.
A personal thanks to two of my favorite, unstable people for what they brought to this party.

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