Monday, June 1, 2009

Social Media and Advertising

Jon Njos-- Media Director/Partner-- Stanton & Everybody

The link below will take you to a report about the current validity of social media and corresponding purchase decisions by users. So far, only 5% of social media users rely on social media for purchase decision guidance. I say, so far, because we may see a change in that. Thirty-four percent of social media users say they are more active with these forums now than a year ago. The evolution of “use” of social media seems to be changing as time and use goes on. Many of these have been established as “what are you doing right now?” venues to, what can anyone tell me about X?” This article talks about how people are relying on Twitter more than Linked-In for professional insight.

Once again, the looming questions are, how do advertisers harness the power of social networks, what should they be saying, and should they use them?

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