Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Clients Get the Work They Deserve.

Rick Stanton, Creative Director / Managing Partner, Stanton & Everybody Advertising + Design

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the words, “I want breakthrough, edgy ads. You know like the ones (insert hot campaign dejour here) does.”
And when you bring them something that is edgy and still brand relevant, the next words one usually hears are, “We can’t do that.”
Not the case with our client SportsArt.
We brought them five, :15 scripts featuring various cardio and strength equipment they manufacture. We walked them through how they would be shot, the type of music and the attitude the voice would provide and the president of SportsArt North America said, “Let’s do ‘em.”
Not one word was changed. Including the one word positioning statement we sprung on them. And if we told you how much they cost to produce most people familiar with production would never believe it.
The results? You tell me.

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