Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Truth Telling Social Media Site Rebrands Itself

By: Cynti Oshin

Director of Client Services and Business Development

Linkedin provides the opportunity to build your own reputation, unvetted and with complete control. An experienced prospective employer will know that to use recommendations on Linkedin as a singular measure of someone’s professional abilities is like using someone’s weight on their driver’s license as a measure of their overall health. (Disclaimer – maybe mine’s not entirely accurate and when determining dosage for life saving medications– don’t use it – you’ll kill me.)

The site Unvarnished.com, provides a forum where professionals create their profile and colleagues/friends/enemies can ‘review’ them in an anonymous forum. Fast Company reports that Unvarnished is now reappearing after the infusion of VC funding as Honestly.com – a “Yelp for People”.

Honestly.com endeavors to promote accuracy – and not a public relations vehicle for professionals. However, it seems as if the potential for disaster is enormous. “How Unvarnished.com Could Ruin Your Career”. What do you think?


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