By Cynti Oshin
Director of Client Services and Business Development
There are those days when we as business people want to grab our stuff off of our desks and run for the hills. That could be at 11:42 on a Thursday morning. Any number of things can send us out the door – not the least of which could be news of doom and gloom – economically speaking, that is. Here are some headlines I have seen recently:
Political Economy – Goldman Sachs economists: No double dip (probably).
Slowing economy raises fears of double-dip recession.
Monthly Market Review July 2010 – Double Dip.
22 cities in danger of a double dip recession.
US Economy Will Dodge a Double-Dip Downturn, But Won’t Escape….
Economic Outlook – Economy ‘Far too Close” to Double Dip.
Oh sweet Jesus, I really, truly think the sky is falling. On my head. Soon. Maybe tomorrow. And I still have two daughters at private universities, they will not be too amused if the tuition check stops coming. But enough about me, what about the business?
As a woman, I am programmed to scan the ‘proverbial’ horizon – anticipate any potential dangers and start making plans, troubleshooting as it were.
And you bet I am. The last iteration of our business strategy was premised on an improving economy, albeit more slowly than it has in past recessions. The next iteration of our strategy is being penned right now, and this includes a plan for the very serious possibility that things ain’t gettin’ better any time soon. No, not for the end of the world. And no, not for complete and utter economic bedlam. But for a new and very different economic reality.
What do you think is going to happen? Who do you turn to for insight? Paul Krugman? The Wall Street Journal? Alan Greenspan? Your brother in-law? Tell us.
http://www.cn bc.com/id/38768787
ReplyDeleteGreat post! As a college student heading into my senior year, the prospect of graduating and joining the "real" world in just one short school year is admittedly frightening. But I liked your thoughts on turning to others for advice. For me, family and friends provide that needed guidance and encouragement. I'm approaching the challenge of finding a job fresh out of college with optimism, because I think that's all I can do. And if not, there's always graduate school. :)
Thanks for your comment, Rob. Tell me, where are you in school? Is there a common feeling of optimism amongst your contemporaries or a feeling of trepidation?
ReplyDeleteAnd Rob, thankfully the sky really isn't falling - I'm hoping your family and friends are telling you so.