Jon Njos, Media Director
As new media usage has grown, and all of the options consumers have to stay connected, the word on the street was the death of traditional media was looming at a meteoric rate. Fear not, my traditionalist friends! These news media that were thought to be the demise of the old, have breathed new life into them.
The attached article lays out data that shows how social media has created effective cross-promotional situations that have helped increase viewership of live events especially. Events like the Golden Globes, MTV Video Music Awards, and the Grammy’s have experienced increases in viewership because of pre-show tweets, and other social media conversations drawing attention to the televised event. Social Media has become such a factor, these telecasts are being forced to broadcast live so delayed broadcasts won’t be ruined by tweeters broadcasting winners before the programs air.
Good thoughts! Check out this article about how more marketers are pairing traditional TV with web video ... at http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/19/business/media/19adco.html?src=tptw