Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Smile Campaign

In response to Harry Calbom’s comment on Tuesday’s post Intersect, by Cynti Oshin, he mentioned the American Express Smile Campaign. Here is a spot from that campaign for you to enjoy. Must have taken a long time to set all those scenes but it is beautifully shot.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa says: There has been some commentary for this spot possibly being plagiarized from Audi, and the Robert’s photo books of the 1970s. I love the art direction of it though. The emotional bond to this spot, thanks in part to the music and the storytelling voiceover, make it a great advertisement. If you isolate it and judge it purely on it’s art, it’s extremely well executed. Plus, you can’t help but smile after watching it. And maybe sign up for an Am Ex card. Great commentary on it here at Steffan Postaer’s blog:
