Tuesday, August 3, 2010


By: Cynti Oshin
Director of Client Services and Business Development

This beautifully shot video titled "Intersections" was filmed in London, inspired by the definition of intersect:


1. to pierce or divide by passing through or across.
2. to meet and cross at a point.
3. to share a common area.

Tell us what you think. And Harry, what do YOU think?

Intersections from Rickster on Vimeo.


  1. Well, since you did ask for my opinion specifically, Cynti, (and I'm flattered you did) I'll admit that I like it but I don't love it. Many of the shots are beautiful and the concept is interesting enough, but what is the filmmaker trying to say about intersections? Merely that they exist everywhere? It felt unemotional to me. Where is the shot of of an adolescent boy holding a girls hand for the first time? Or a tattoo artist's needle meeting the skin?

    It seems like this video is intended to give us pause.......(wait for it)... as we think about the nature of intersections. But the style of editing doesn't really allow us the time we need to really see and reflect. And if intersections occur in reality, why do the images need to be manipulated (split screen) to make the point?

    More successful, in my humble oppinion, are the American express "smile" ads. They give me enough time to think... and more importantly, to feel.

    Thanks for asking.

  2. So glad you chimed in, Harry. I'm going to check out the American Express ads.
