Monday, June 21, 2010

Why a Genuine Brand is Important.

Rick Stanton, Creative Director / Managing Partner, Stanton & Everybody

I sat in a meeting with a potential client, discussing why an authentic, genuine brand is so important to success.
After about twenty minutes, the client said, and I’m not kidding, “We aren’t all that different from our competitors. You’re the creative guy, make something up.”

That was the end of our conversations.

It takes courage, intelligence and honesty to arrive at your true brand soul.
Many times you aren’t what you think you are and if you listen to the research, listen to your customers and have the integrity to value the feedback, a true brand will emerge.

I hate to keep shoveling sand on this cat #$@% but a classic case of “making something up” that backfired is Tiger Woods.
His brand was a lie, one that cost a lot of companies including the PGA, a lot of money.
Not to mention the money it has and will cost Tiger.
Wait until the Wife gets her pound of flesh.

And if you read the article in Vanity Fair about Earl Woods, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Before you spend a dime on advertising, make sure you are honest with yourself.
If you have the soul of evil and your prices are the lowest, run with it.
You’re the Outlaw archetype.

But if your service is truly defining, you give back to the community but your prices aren’t the lowest, use it to craft the appropriate messages.
Maybe you’re the Hero and customers will support you because you have a purpose.

Just make sure that it’s genuine. Because trust me, you will be found out sooner or later.

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