Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fashion & Killer Enchiladas

Rick Stanton, Creative Director / Managing Partner, Stanton & Everybody Advertising + Design

This blog is convoluted so stick with me.

I recently went looking for some sportswear type clothing as my wardrobe needed a little updating. What I have discovered is that retailers, short of pro shops, do not give a rip about guys over 45 years old when it comes to this category.
If you aren’t 25, 6’4” and weigh 160 lbs., it’s hard to find stuff. And there is nothing worse than an older guy trying to pull off that look. Add a comb over and you get the picture.
The last straw was not being able to find my favorite sport shirts from the Scott Barber collection. So I took matters into my own hands and Googled his name. Sure enough, they have a web site and you can even buy direct from them.
His line is very timeless and probably among the best made stuff left on the planet.
If you’re a middle-aged guy in the same boat as me, here is the web site.
I have actually gotten to know Scott a little through emails and phone conversations and find him to be a likeable, normal guy who just happens to make clothes.
The rest of this harangue is a rip off from an idea I saw on Scott’s blog.
He has a recipe for Bison Chili. The guy likes to cook.
I have a great recipe for my Killer Enchiladas. I like to cook as well.
My wife is a great cook, downright chef-like in fact. But since I get home sooner most nights, she is subjected to my handy work in the kitchen.
But even she will attest, my enchiladas are the best, hands down, no doubt.
They are a fabulous way to take the sting out of cold weather and make your house smell like good old Mexican family love. Whatever the hell that is.
So give them a try and let me know how they go over.

Rick's Killer Enchilada Recipe. Click Here.

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