Friday, July 31, 2009

More Hits for Your Website

Lisa Dahlby, Project Manager/Stanton & Everybody

This article below is a couple years old, but still relevant. We are always looking for reliable ways to increase web traffic. As a consumer as well as an advocate for our clients brands, I think the most important one is #2, but with a bit more information. Your website needs to be about Them (the client) not You. It's great if you've won awards but the client cares more about what your product can do for him or her. And how easily does your website create the want. It is easy to navigate? Informative? Interactive? Does it have compelling and interesting photos, videos or games? Are you offering original and worthwhile content that consumers can't get everywhere else, even if everywhere else is your company brochure or radio spot? The website should have extra information. And is the content fresh and updated regularly, giving return visitors a reason to come back? Does it provide a great experience that makes the potential client say -- I want that? Often times your website is the very first (and potentially last) experience you have with a potential client. It needs to be powerful and easy and fun to get said client to move forward with the buying process.

Here are a few more tips from actual experts.

What has helped your website achieve more hits?

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