Thursday, June 4, 2009

It’s Time for PC to be DOA.

Rick Stanton, Creative Director / Managing Partner, Stanton & Everybody

I am sick and tired of political correctness.
Instead of becoming more tolerant and a little thicker-skinned, we have become more intolerant and cringe at everything that isn’t vanilla.
The latest over reaction comes from Italian Americans who are offended by a TV campaign for Miller Lite featuring an actor from the Sopranos.
Apparently a passel of Lite beer swilling goombas have complained so loudly about the ads stereotyping Italians as mobsters, Miller has pulled the ads.
Wait a second. The Mafia is rooted in the Italian culture.
What about The Godfather, The Godfather Part II (the only sequel to ever win an Oscar), Good Fellas, The Departed, Carlito’s Way, Donnie Brasco and of course, The Sopranos.
Where is cry and outrage at these efforts?
What a bunch of hypocritical horse flop.
I’m going to pour the Miller Lite in my fridge down the drain.
I’m boycotting Miller for not telling the Italian-America Human Relations Foundation where to stick their pastafazool and proving to their agency they don’t have a spine.
I’m going to go write some ads that make fun of midgets. That limp.
Watch here:
Worth reading:

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