Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Did You See a Coffee Poster Today?

Lisa Dahlby - Stanton & Everybody Advertising + Design Project Manager/Account Coordinator.

Stanton & Everybody has a twitter account but I'm still trying to figure out how to use it effectively. So when I read that Starbucks is hosting a contest today only for Twitter followers, I was intrigued. Starbucks launched their most expensive ad campaign to date last week to compete with McDonald's launch of McCafe'. The ad posters go up today in six cities and Starbucks is encouraging Twitter followers to upload their cell phone photos of the posters to win a $20 Starbucks card.

Starbucks has 183,875 followers on Twitter, as of 9.30 Tuesday. http://twitter.com/starbucks
We have 9. Good thing we're followers of Starbucks. I have a lot to learn.

Worth Reading: The Starbucks Twitter story
Worth Watching: Howard Schultz & 5 partners (baristas) discuss the campaign:

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